Saturday, 31 January 2009

Sa turd ay

I dont know. This isn't a poem. Hello. Anyway, I had to go to this really fucking cold house a few weeks ago, it was so cold it was kinda funny, in a really horrible way. but yeah there were flashes and apparently light hit paper and here it is:

I dunno, i like this picture a lot. Silouettes are amazing. i wish some how we could all live as black outlines, and yet have all the connotations that people see when they recognise a face. But thats just dumb.

I cant fucking write and its pissing me off.

You know why I can't fucking write? It's because of numbers.

I'm not a numbers guy, so when someone tries to irritate my writing, by telling me i have to write 4000 verbs, nouns and adjectives, it all goes wrong and suddenly it's all about the numbers.

And the only numbers with any soul are 4 digits long.

You fuckers.

God damn...

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